The Sitoa MarketPlace cuts time-to-market and creates selling velocity
The Power of the Sitoa Marketplace
The Sitoa MarketPlace Platform ties together retail hosts and product sellers to create a powerful engine for rapid sales growth. The retail market has multiple barriers to fast on-line growth that make it difficult for retailers and sellers to confidently break into new categories and to drive sales in new markets. Creating solutions that resonate with customers can be labor-intensive and time-consuming. The Sitoa MarketPlace platform has been designed to overcome these retailing roadblocks, helping our partners to:
Break into New Markets
Take their existing market strengths and add hand-selected sellers that will expand and enhance their offering and reach, with no additional working capital or inventory requirements. Time-to-market is dramatically shortened, allowing for speedy expansion and sales growth.
Simplify IT
Take their existing market strengths and add hand-selected sellers that will expand and enhance their offering and reach, with no additional working capital or inventory requirements. Time-to-market is dramatically shortened, allowing for speedy expansion and sales growth.
Create a Disproportional Selling Advantage
Simplified commission-based selling structure makes it easy to respond to market trends and shift offering as needed. Develop seller “anchor tenants” to launch your power channels and create a strategic advantage in the marketplace.Develop Focused Selling Partnerships
Increase sales, as we work closely with you and your hand-selected sellers to create compelling selling propositions based on your customer demographics and needs.